Tuesday, March 29, 2011

My Thoughts About Camp!

Finally, it was the week of our Year 7 and 8 Camp, which was called ‘Camp Take Charge’ which is going to be great. I'm really looking forward to all of the activity that we are going to play. Yesterday afternoon the students got put in their groups, my group was called the ‘Respectablez’ and my team leaders are Shontal and Feki , who are pretty awesome . After that part of the session it was time to do a chant which was freaky because we had no ideas for it. Then we started to ask each one of us for ideas, suddenly Athena had an awesome idea which was amazing!

During our time at the hall Mr Barks, told us a quick game which sound pretty confusing but fun at the same time because we had to use equipment and chairs, we had to try going to to the the side of the hall without touching the floor, so I guess we had to use the chairs and the equipment to get to the other side. As we start the game we were all in a rush grabbing our friends and moving quickly. It was quite a confusing game, our team just made it half way which was cool. As the time went by we all had so fun .

As we were at the hall, we had some reminders about what we had to bring on the Monday,
the most thing I was really looking forward to was the concert because I like watching all the performances.