Wednesday, June 30, 2010



Rangitoto is one of the youngest volcanoes in Auckland . It has probably erupted twice and Scientists believe that it is extinct. Rangitoto was formed through a violent eruption
about 600 years ago and was one of the most violent eruption in Auckland. Rangitoto was named after a women whose name was Te Rangi Totongia which was a beautiful name that's how they came up with Rangitoto . It had erupted 600 years ago which makes it the youngest of all of the volcanoes in the Auckland Volcanic field.

Rangitoto was the only eruption to be witnessed by man.


  1. It's good that you've posted about one of our local volcanoes Helen. This one we are very familiar with as we see it often - especially in summer when we spend time with family at the beaches across from it. Have you ever walked to the top of Rangitoto? I have about 6 or 7 years ago with all the year 5 and 6 Pt England students. It was hard for me!
    Look forward to reading more from you Helen.
    Mrs Tele'a

  2. Hello Mrs Tele'a
    Thanks a lot for posting a comment on about
    Ranigtoto .

    Helen Tup
